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Data Structure and Algorithm - Insertion Sort

In this tutorial, we will learn a simple sorting algorithm - Insertion Sort.

Problem to Solve

Given a list of numbers as shown below, please sort them in ascending order.

$numbers = [21,25,100,98,89,77];


  • You are required to use Insertion Sort algorithm when sorting the numbers.
  • You are required to implement the algorithm in PHP language.


Insertion Sort works by maintaining a sorted sub-list, extracting the master list's items one by one and inserting them into a the sub-list until all items are moved from master list to the sub-list.

Pseudocode of Insertion Sort algorithm can be written as follows:

Pseudocode of Insertion Sort algorithm can be written as follows:

FOR each element of the master list
    Extract the current item
        Locate the position to insert by comparing with items from sub-list
        Insert the item to the position

PHP Implementation

We need a FOR loop and a WHILE loop. We are using the FOR loop to iterate the master list and the WHILE loop to locate the position to insert the item.

$masterList = [21, 25, 100, 98, 89, 77];
$subList = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < count($masterList); $i++) {
    $extractItem = $masterList[$i];
    $subList[] = $extractItem;
    // Locate the position to insert by comparing with items from sub-list
    $positionFound = $i;
    while ($positionFound > 0 && $extractItem < $subList[$positionFound - 1]) {
        $subList[$positionFound] = $subList[$positionFound - 1];
        $positionFound = $positionFound - 1;
    // Insert the item to the position
    $subList[$positionFound] = $extractItem;
// Output:
    [0] => 21
    [1] => 25
    [2] => 77
    [3] => 89
    [4] => 98
    [5] => 100

The only piece that needs a bit of explanation is the probably the WHILE loop. Pay attention to the conditions of the loop, besides the constraint of the sub-list's length, we also need to make sure that we do not run the loop when we extract the first element ($positionFound=0).

The End

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